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How do you see yourself?
Are you proud of your body?
Your face?
Your outer being?

So many men and women struggle with self-doubt concerning their physicality. Our height, weight, hair and other characteristics can have a huge impact on how we feel about ourselves — even though we’re all brought up being told that “it’s what on the inside that counts.”

Although I do believe that oft-repeated saying, I also have a six-word phrase to address our physical issues:

We’re beautiful because God made us.

You might look in the mirror and not like what you see. But think for a moment — would God agree?

God loves us, and we’re all precious to Him. You don’t have to be on the cover of a magazine or star in a Hollywood blockbuster for God to see your beauty. After all, He made you just the way you are!

The media and peer pressures and so many other things “tell” us what beauty is, and what we “should” look like. But truly, none of that matters. In the Creation story, God declared that everything He created was beautiful. And if we’re all God’s creations, that means us too — inside and out!

I hope you know that you’re beautiful. And if you need some extra encouragement, use those six words as a daily reminder:

We’re beautiful because God made us.

Try it for a few weeks and see if it begins to truly “sink in.” That God’s appreciation of your beauty is all you need, and that His truth should banish any self-doubt or criticisms that you might have about your physicality.

So write it on a card and keep it in your pocket, or put a Post-it on your bathroom mirror, or even enter it as a note on your phone. You could even send it to yourself every day as a text or email!

Remember those words and believe in them — because God believes in you.
