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Dear Friends and Loved Ones,

As we know, Christ’s birth was a miracle. Never in the history of mankind has there been a conception without the union of a sperm and egg. Yet, Christ’s birth was part of God’s grand plan for all mankind. We see his miracles carried out by angels on Earth and ordinary, everyday people – like Mary. His plan is always correct.

Recently, Anita and I were part of a miracle when God wove a few of us together for his purpose.


Our daughter, Raquel, trained for many months to compete in a Charleston, South Carolina marathon. Of course, we wanted to be there for the race and cheer her on. We flew from Detroit on Delta Airlines to Atlanta with a connecting flight to Charleston. We expected to arrive on Friday afternoon with plenty of time to be at the race on Saturday.

Due to dangerous weather conditions, many flights were cancelled. Ours was delayed six hours before finally being cancelled. By this time there were no hotel rooms available and we didn’t know when another flight would open up. We were frustrated. And I was uncomfortable being stuck in my wheelchair.

As we waited, I talked with another person sitting close to us. She was elderly, in a wheelchair, and by herself. She had already waited several hours for her final flight to Oklahoma. It was around 6:00 P.M. During our conversation, I heard the loud speaker system announce that her flight had been cancelled and the next flight to her destination would be the following day at 11:00 AM. Discouraged by the bad news, she resigned herself to a long night in the airport.

I couldn’t believe she had no family or friends there to help her. The situation disturbed me. I felt compelled to help. It was a nudge from God. Maybe it was my time to be an angel on Earth.

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I located a Delta employee who had been periodically checking on Anita and me. We went over all the options, but none were acceptable for her. We then arranged to find a group of chairs she could lay down on and get some rest. I also asked the Delta employee for a blanket and pillow. Once she looked relatively comfortable, we both smiled with tears in our eyes. She appreciated my caring actions and I appreciated serving God in a small way.

The next flight cancelation announced was ours. It was now 7:30 P.M. We should have already been in Charleston! The next flight would be leaving Atlanta on Saturday morning. That meant we’d miss Raquel’s race. Our frustration mounted. We had to get to Charleston!

Anita went up to the crowded Delta ticket counter and found a flight that was leaving to Columbia, S.C. at around 10:30 P.M. This would require a 2 hour drive to Charleston. Excited and hopeful, we headed to another terminal to catch this flight. As we entered the new terminal there were people everywhere who looked as confused and upset as us. We couldn’t remember the gate number and we couldn’t locate a monitor.

Among the mass of people, Stacey, a Delta employee, seemed to appear out of nowhere, She was calm and asked if she could help. After we explained our ordeal, she found our gate number and gave me her cell phone number – just in case!

We hurried to the gate only to find the area packed with people. The line to the ticket counter was extremely long. It was a zoo! Everyone wanted on this flight. Our only option was to fly Standby, but it was our last chance to make it to Charleston.

I called Raquel with tears running down my face. She could tell by the sound of my voice that we didn’t expect to get on this flight. “You need to pull some magic,” she insisted. There was no magic available. We needed a miracle.

Instantly, I thought of Stacey. I called to tell her about the status of our tickets. She quickly called me back to say that she had our tickets changed to comfort seats. WOW! We arrived in Charleston at 6:00 A.M. and met Raquel an hour later to share our love and support for the challenge she was about to face. I was grateful to be at the race and quickly realized what had happened. God had sent us an angel – Stacey!

Later, I called Stacey again to tell her that I believe God had sent her to us as an angel. Then I asked if I could send her a copy of my book; The Gift Is You.

After reading the book, Stacey called me. She shared how she’d been caring for a University of Georgia football player who broke his neck. She planned to let him and his mother read the book to encourage then during their tough times – one of the book’s main themes.

When we do something straight from the heart, it’s genuine love from God and part of his perfect plan. It could be a hug, a prayer, help from a stranger or just doing our job. It’s all important to HIM. We can be his angels on Earth…part of his miracles. His will be done through ordinary people like Stacey and me.

As you continue 2018, I would like for you to consider the following points:

1. God’s plans are always correct. I am confident His plan for your life is perfect – even during your trials and disappointments.

2. Believe in miracles. Believe in angels. My story is a testament that God provides angels to help execute his plan.

3. God places you in situations to help others. We are his angels to others. Be aware of where he places you. He will reward you with his love and grace.

David L. Wolf
