Dear Friends and Loved Ones,
As I woke up today, I realized it was really spring. I looked out my window and saw the beautiful sunshine and heard the birds singing. I knew tomorrow was coming with more beauty than today.
What a long year it has been. I do not think anyone had any idea how COVID-19 would affect mankind-both physically and emotionally. Many people died from this virus and others have suffered serious psychological problems.
As I was looking out my window I was thinking about what I wanted to share with you this Easter season after such a difficult year. I then looked at my phone and saw an email from one of my friends. It is amazing how God communicates to us. Let me explain…
For the last several months my friend, who just sent me the email, has had multiple problems and was in the hospital for several weeks. On more than one occasion, I felt he was not going to make it, especially reading his past emails and talking to him about his deteriorating health. He chose to continue his care at home and realized that tomorrow may never come and asked me to pray for him.
Today’s email from him made me cry, not out of sorrow but of thanksgiving. He is doing so much better and his health is turning for the better!!! I then realized, his news was like the view out my window (and a wink from God). What seemed to be the end of a season (or a life), was actually filled with renewal. The landscape was turning from winter brown to blooms of green. A weak and scared friend was evolving from declining health to improved wellness. This was just one more reason why I live with HOPE in my heart – always.
Easter is the ultimate story about Hope. Jesus lived a perfect life. However, He did not live an easy life. There were some who felt He was an impostor. He was crucified and endured one of the most horrendous deaths known to mankind. At what we thought was the end (an empty cross) He gave all who knew Him and believed in Him—Hope. Jesus arose and is preparing a place for us to have eternal life.
When you believe in Jesus, accept him as your Lord and Savior and live with hope knowing what you are going through, a seasonal change or a challenging illness, God has a plan of renewal for you.
I wish you and your loved ones and very blessed Easter season and continued year filled with hope, health and joy.
God bless you,
Dr. David L. Wolf
Author of The Gift Is You
Could not agree more Dad. Our perspective on our lives is exactly that just A PERSPECTIVE. There is always a different perspective in which to view things. This past year has certainly challenged us to change our perspective and to strive each day to see things from GOD’s perspective and not through our own limited (and often pessimistic) view.
I firmly believe that GOD places a silver lining (blessings) in everything. Often times, we are just to focused on our own uncomfortable or possibly even tragic circumstances to see that silver lining. This year has challenged us to see things like the apostle Paul, who was able to find joy in EVERYTHING regardless of his circumstances.
Brad, Thank you for reading my message. I appreciate your words. I hope you all will have a special Easter! Love Dad
A wonderful message David. May the Peace, Joy, Hope and Love be with you, Anita, and your family with the Joy of the risen Jesus.
May God continue to Bless you.
Dear John, Thank you for reading my message. I hope it was an inspiration to you. Happy Easter to you and Jan!
Thanks Dr.Wolf for your encouraging thoughts and insights!
Jerry and Lois, Thank you for reading my message. Happy Easter!
Because of YOU, David, I live with HOPE and a positive mindset in my life. Thank you.