Dear Friends and Loved Ones,
My last blog was at the beginning of COVID-19. The pandemic along with political and social unrest, police reform, and the devastation to our economy has been more than many people can take – physically, mentally, spiritually and financially.
Since that time I created and shared an on-demand webinar: “How to Get Through Today’s Uncertainty”. You are still able to watch it. (Click here.) Additionally, I shared this topic at a recent men’s conference. Many of the men bought my book, The Gift Is You. The book shares my personal journey and more opportunities that provide hope. It’s available on my website www.thegiftisyou.org.
Our world is constantly changing and 2020 is no exception. Recently, I received a text message from one of my former OB/GYN Residents. She and her husband have lost two of their grandparents to COVID-19. Others have experienced the virus themselves. Schools, churches and sports have made massive changes.
None of us are immune from an uncertain future. Many people have stopped watching the News because the voices are duplicitous and the issues seem overwhelming. I’ve even found myself thinking that I can solve many of the problems we’re facing, but then reality sets in and I throw my hands up because I don’t know what to do.
Frustration, fear, anger, depression and hopelessness seem to be taking over our personalities and character. I’m no different than you, but then God reminds me that He is in control.
One of my good friends recently asked me what the Bible says about all of this. I saw in his eyes and heard in his voice that he was very worried, confused and fearful. His question was simple, yet profound. He was sincere and seemed to be searching for hope.
At that moment, God nudged me and I immediately turned to the Bible for help. These are the scriptures I referenced:
1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
6 Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all he has done.
7 Then you will experience God’s peace which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)
10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
(Psalm 46:1, 10)
And finally…
11 For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
12 Then you will call on me and pray to me and I will listen to you. (13) You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29: 11-13)
Don’t let Satan win your battle! Turn your troubles over to God. He is in control. Keep Jesus in your heart and follow him every day. Then you will be amazed at how your life will turn around. Better days are ahead!
God bless you – ALWAYS.
Love, David
Thank you Dr. Wolf❤️
Beth, So good to hear from you. I hope you are well and safe. I miss seeing you.
Thank you!
Vickie, Thank you for taking time to read my blog. I hope it was meaningful to you. I also hope you are well!
Thank you for sharing Dr. Wolf. I‘M always encouraged by your blog. Hope you are doing well.
Michele, I hope all is well with you. So many great memories.
Thanks Dave. That was very illuminating. Long putting up with the virus like you just mentioned I had a totally replacement on September 18th a little over a week ago. It is coming along but I guess I forgot how the recovery was. It’s improving but it sure seems like it takes a long time. My prayers to you and Anita. One of these days when it’s clear you andBoes and I can get together.
Bill, I had no idea you had surgery. Please keep me informed. I hope my words were of some help to you. Carolyn and Kedrin will be off the Certifying Board in April. Boes is the only one of us left. He no longer is a PD. Let me know when you are able to go to dinner. Take care my friend
Dr. wolf, you always know just what to say to calm your friends and family. You are a true blessing I miss seeing you. The other day I needed to talk to someone and you came to mind. So while I sat in silence and said a prayer I felt a lot better. Until we can meet for that chocolate shake again stay safe and well. Carrie.
Carrie, what a blessing you are. I am at the clinic on Monday’s if you want to come by and see me. God Bless you. Stay Safe.
GOD bless you Dr Wolf.
Marie, God Bless you too. I hope all is well with you.
Thank you David for the message and continued lessons. The simple activity of taking time to be in the moment and turn it all over to Him – DAILY…. is something I struggle with. I feel the heaviness of the world and I worry. I will do better to JUST BE STILL and Know that HE
is MY GOD!
Stay well…
In Love and Friendship,
Stephanie Callahan
Stephanie, these times are difficult for all of us. We just need to remember to turn to God for help. He is waiting for our prayers.
Dr. Wolf, it was so good to hear from you. Glad you and your family are doing well.
Stay safe. Luv ya
Renee, so glad to hear from you. I hope you are well and Safe!
You`re Comments and Scripture references are so right on the Mark -thanks for reminding us that`s what we need to be reminded of often! I finally got to read your your book entirely this year and it was such a blessing – Thank You so much for writing it God has used you and you`re book and Testimony to touch all of our Lives. We Pray that God continues to Bless you and Your Family.
Thank you so much for reading my blog! I am so glad you enjoyed reading my book. God Bless you!
Dear David,
So well said. I keep telling people all that matters is that Ge is in control. Yes we must live responsibly but not full of fear. Trust you and Anita are doing well!
Love and prayers, Claudia
Dear Claudia, so glad to hear from you. I think of you frequently and I wish we could see each other. I hope all is well with you. Thank you for reading my blog. May God continue to bless you.
Thank you for your inspiring message, Dr. Wolf. This is a good reminder during these turbulent times. I am grateful to you for sharing this powerful message. God is in control and we must place our trust, faith and lives in Him alone. I pray that you and your family are well during this time and always. You are a true blessing!
Your friend,
Dear Catherine, So glad to hear from you. I appreciate you reading my blog and your kind words. Maybe we can see each other in the future at the health department. At the present time because of COVID 19 we are not going there on Wednesday nights. I hope all is well with you!!
I just loved reading this because it tells me you are still well and as long as you have breath you still continue to give God glory in your life. You are a blessing to so many Dr. Wolf and have impacted more lives than you will ever know. It gives so many others hope and confidence when they see you living out your faith and trusting God through it all. I miss seeing you. Kevin and I and our son Zach have opened up a business in Woodhaven. It has been closed though through the Covid for seven months which has been very hard. Please bring your family sometime to Rev’d Up Fun.
We get to open again this month. It would bring me such joy to see you again. Love and Prayers to you and yours
Sandy, So good to hear from you. Your words were so special! We will for sure come by and see you. Thank you so much for taking time to read my blog and respond!