Recently thinking about how I would answer the question: “How do you (does one) please God?” I Googled “pleasing God”. “The Life That Pleases God” by Rev. Bruce Goettsche, March 22, 1998 was the very first result. The following excerpt helped me; maybe it will help you, too.
We need to be shaken from our complacency so that we will be spurred to a deeper relationship. So here are some “So What” questions for you.
I have no doubt that you talk about faith but the question to ask is: do they see that faith in your living?
- Do they see it in the way you handle tough times?
- Do they see it in the way you deal with difficult people?
- Do they see it in the way you talk about those who are different from you?
- Do they see it in the way you talk about other Christians? (Ouch!)
- Do they see it in your business ethics?
- Look at your life . . . What do YOU see?
Are you doing anything to grow in the knowledge of God?
- Are you reading your Bible?
- Are you spending time alone with God?
- Are you reading anything that stretches you?
- Are you listening to those who disagree with you?
- Are you living gratefully?
Have you thanked God today for the blessing that surrounds you?
- Do you appreciate the nature of your salvation in Christ?
- Are you working to get better acquainted with Him so you can love Him more fully?
This passage is a call to a Christianity that is more than religious mumbo-jumbo. It’s a summons to a relationship with Christ that will transform us. It’s an invitation to a life that will invigorate us. It’s the doorway to a lifestyle that will make the world stop and wonder. If you will step out of the pretend and dreary world of superficial faith and into a genuine, humble relationship with the Lord who calls us to Himself . . . wouldn’t it be nice if someone could point at us and say, “Now, that’s what it’s like to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord.” May God lead us to that end. Amen.